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Silverbody Jewellery Blog RSS Feed

202 1083
The Most Popular Styles of Earrings Every Woman Must Have Sterling Silver earrings are the most popular piece of jewelry and are a must-have in any woman's outfit. Earrings are the single piece of jew..
195 858
Maintaining Body Jewellery Knowing how to correctly take care of your body jewellery is part of the responsibility of owning it. Cleaning your jewellery should be considered a part of your regular hyg..
9 16175
Designer Belly Bar in Silver - This butterfly design has a cute butterfly top ball as well. The top butterfly part screws in just right so that the bufferfly faces forward as it should. The screw has ..
2 411
Silver Belly Bars - The rising Y2K studs are back againBelly Button Bars were promoted in the mid '00s by artists like Britney Spears, just to be considered tasteless and offensive by mainstream socie..
0 346
Birthstones are a set of jewels that correspond to the month of one's birth. Each gem has a different meaning that is supposed to be authentic to the owner. Each of these birthstones has an interestin..
0 301
Can I get a belly piercing with an outie?It all depends on whether you have enough skin to pierce above or below your outie. Belly piercings heal more slowly than other piercings, and the longer it ta..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)